A list of software (from Russ Nelson) that works with packet drivers. 27 September 1993 The Packet Driver Specification, version 1.09 vax.ftp.com:pub/packet-d.ascii vax.ftp.com:pub/packet-d.mss The Crynwr collection of packet drivers. simtel20.army.mil:pd1:00index.txt simtel20.army.mil:pd1:drivers.zip simtel20.army.mil:pd1:drivers1.zip simtel20.army.mil:pd1:drivers2.zip NCSA's Telnet. ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:PC/Telnet/msdos/INDEX ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:PC/Telnet/msdos/tel2306b.zip ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:PC/Telnet/msdos/tel2306s.zip CUTCP, Rutger's version of Clarkson's version of NCSA Telnet. ftp-ns.rutgers.edu:pub/msdos/cutcp/current Archie, Clarkson's archie client ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/cutcp/archie.zip Charon, IPX - TCP/IP email/printer gateway. ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/cutcp/charon-3.4/charon.zip ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/cutcp/charon40.zip PDEther, Don Provan's ODI-over-packet-driver shim. sjf-lwp.novell.com:odi/pdether/pde103.zip Odipkt, Dan Lanciani's packet-driver-over-ODI shim. hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/net.cfg hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/odipkt.8 hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/odipkt.asm hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/odipkt.com Oditrpkt, Ben James' packet-driver-over-ODI-token-ring shim. It makes an ODI token ring driver appear as Ethernet to the packet driver client. datacomm.ucc.okstate.edu:pub/oditrpkt/beta9.zip datacomm.ucc.okstate.edu:pub/oditrpkt/beta1116.zip Phil Karn's TCP/IP package (freely copyable only for radio amateurs and educational institutions. Others should contact him.) Phil's latest version of NOS is always available for FTP from ucsd.edu:hamradio/packet/tcpip/ka9q/rcsdsrc.zip Also get rcs: ucsd.edu:hamradio/packet/tcpip/ka9q/rcs56b.zip Many people also publish modified versions of NOS: ucsd.edu:hamradio/packet/tcpip/* BYU's older packet driver IPX.COM. A copy is kept on simtel20 in pd1: named novell.zip Intel's newer packet driver IPX.COM. A copy is kept on simtel20 in pd1: named pdipx103.zip Vance Morrison's PCROUTE and PCBRIDGE. ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcbridge1.21.src.tar.Z ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcbridge1.21.tar.Z ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcroute2.24.src.tar.Z ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcroute2.24.tar.Z NuPOP, Phil `pib' Burns POP/FTP/Telnet/Finger/Gopher client. ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/nupop/README.1ST ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/nupop/nupop103.zip IRC, an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client. biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/trumpet/irc100.zip TRUMPET, an NNTP newsreader. TRUMPET is a DOS based news reader which has a nice front-end. It does NOT require Windows, but only requires a packet driver. The release as of this writing is 1.06b. Note that the version number is reflected in the filename. ftp.utas.edu.au:pc/trumpet biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/trumpet/00index biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/wintrump TRUMPET WinSock, a shareware winsock-compatible Windows TCP/IP stack biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/trumpwsk/winsock.zip Jan Engvald's PDCLKSET, a program to set the time on a PC from a TIME server. It can use BOOTP to supply IP number and other info. PDCLKSET can assign the proper normal or dls timezone name to an environment variable (TZ is used by most systems). There is also a powerful buildt in ping client and server. The PDTBUILD program, which is included in the ZIP package, looks at all ARP broadcasts and generates a table with all the IP hosts on this (sub)net. PDCLKxxx.ZIP is available at wsmr-simtel20.army.mil:PD1:, at Simtel20 mirror archives and at ftp.lu.se:pub/network/pdclkset. Columbia University's Kermit: MS-KERMIT 3.11 and up includes a TCP/IP telnet client. kermit.cc.columbia.edu:kermit/bin/msvibm.zip Harry Stox's DLLPKT, a shim that implements a packet driver over DEC's DLL. See DLLPKT.NOT. ftp.stack.urc.tue.nl:pub/msdos/dllpkt/dllpkt.zip ftp.stack.urc.tue.nl:pub/msdos/dllpkt/dllpksrc.zip kermit.columbia.edu:packet-drivers/new/pktdll.* IPXTCPIP, Jerzy Tarasiuk's automatic IP assigner A copy is kept on simtel20 in pd1: named ipxtcpip.zip Broadcast, Kai Getrost's PC Broadcast client. Broadcast is a Macintosh talk program. The release as of this writing is 1.1. Note that the version number is reflected in the filename. caisr2.caisr.cwru.edu:pub/net/bdcst11.zip CIRCA RARP server, a program to automatically assign IP addresses based on Ethernet address. pine.circa.ufl.edu:pub.pc.rarp/rarp.zip UNC's WAIS client. sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/wais/DOS/* Joe Doupnik's version of Dan Lanciani's Harvard version of CMU's version of MIT's PC-IP. netlab.usu.edu:netwatch/pcip96.zip Dan Lanciani's Harvard version of CMU's version of MIT's PC-IP. The source for PC-IP is available from hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/pcip.tar.Z hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/doc.tar.Z hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/readme hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/readme.cmu The binaries for PC-IP compiled for packet drivers are: hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/bin/packet/*.exe hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/bin/general/*.exe Stan's Own Server (NFS server). spdcc.com:pub/sos/soss.zoo spdcc.com:pub/sos/sossexe.zoo A version "couple of bugs fixed: IP numbers and subdirectories with extensions)" is available from: hilbert.wharton.upenn.edu:pub/tcpip/soss.zip PC-NFS drivers. Available from same place as Clarkson collection of packet drivers. Look for compat.tar.Z, or compat.zip (identical contents, different archiver). Note that you need to purchase PC-NFS from Sun in order to use this package. NDIS shim, provides a packet driver over an NDIS driver. There are several versions of it. vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/dis_pkt.asm vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/dis_pkt.dos vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/protman.sys vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/readme netlab.usu.edu:[.novell]dis_pkt.zip hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/dis_pkt/dis_pktx.asm (Experimental) hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/dis_pkt/dis_pktx.dos (Experimental) Windows QVT Telnet The release as of this writing is 3.81. Note that the version number is reflected in the filename. ftp.cica.indiana.edu:pub/pc/win3/util/qvtnt381.zip Erick Engele's Waterloo TCP (freely copyable TCP/IP library), telnet server, ftp client, smtp server, whois client, finger client, ping client/server. ftp-ns.rutgers.edu:pub/msdos/wattcp/* Luigi Rizzo's GNU tar modified to write over a network. pical3.iet.unipi.it:pub/deit_wattcp (tcp-ip libraries) and pical3.iet.unipi.it:pub/net_tar (the modified tar program) Another (older?) version may be found on: gwd2i.cnuce.cnr.it:pub/tar920630b.tar.Z ftp-ns.rutgers.edu:pub/msdos/wattcp/pisa_tar.tar Bruce Campbell's resident BOOTP service. A TSR that fakes a bootp response, returning parameters it was given on its command line. ftp-ns.rutgers.edu:pub/msdos/wattcp/readme.1st University of Minnesota's Gopher client. The Internet Gopher is a distributed document delivery service. See GOPHER.DOC. boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/gopher/PC_client/docs/pcgopher.txt boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/gopher/PC_client/00README University of Minnesota's POPmail POP2 client. POPmail is a POP2 client that will let you read your mail stored on a machine running a POP2 server. Fetch boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/POPmail/msdos/00README to decide which files to get. University of Minnesota's SLIPDIAL. SLIPDIAL is a program to dial a SLIP server, log in, capture the assigned IP address, stuff it into NCSA Telnet's config.tel, and run slip8250. Fetch boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/slipdial/README to decide which files to get. Bob Crosson's SNMP monitor. See SNMP.NOT. enh.nist.gov:misc/snmpsrc.zip enh.nist.gov:misc/snmpsup.zip Mississippi State University's LPD server. A beta test version of a freeware LPD for MSDOS can be found in the ftp-archive. It uses some version of Clarkson or NCSA libraries and workes quite well in some first tests here. tacky.cs.olemiss.edu:pub/lpd/lpd.zip tacky.cs.olemiss.edu:pub/lpd/lpdsrc.zip computone.com:pub/other/lpd/lpd.zip computone.com:pub/other/lpd/lpdsrc.zip DNPAP's Network analyzers. dnpap.et.tudelft.nl:/pub/Fergie/frgbin2.zip The DNPAP ethernet monitor, using packet drivers to capture frames from the net. Statistics are displayed on the screen. It can run either standalone or using SNMP. It supersedes out previous monitors Netmon, Spectre and Beholder. Contains the executables of Fergie and Gobbler with some configuration and documentation files. dnpap.et.tudelft.nl:/pub/Fergie/frgsrc2.zip Contains full source code. You will need a Borland C compiler to compile it. We are very interested to be kept informed on further developments, and people who succeed in recompiling the software. So if you do, send a mail to fergie@dnpap.et.tudelft.nl PCS's Linda, TP/Linda parallel processing system The release as of this writing is 1.1. Note that the version number is reflected in the filename. simtel20.army.mil:pd1:PCPRL11.ZIP DJGPP (free 32-bit C compiler) (coming in version 1.11). ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/msdos/djgpp/* Merit's PPP packet driver merit.edu:/pub/ppp/ncsappp.txt merit.edu:/pub/ppp/ncsappp.zip merit.edu:/pub/ppp/etherppp.zip